Sales Agreement

1. Purpose

This agreement governs the rights and obligations of both parties concerning the sale and delivery of products under Law No. 4077 on Consumer Protection and the Regulations on Distance Contracts.

2. Seller Details

Celestial Console Ltd 


3. Buyer Definition

Customer: Any registered member of

4. Product Details

The details of the products, including type, quantity, brand, model, color, specifications, sale price, and payment terms, are available on and are subject to change without prior notice.

  • 5. Terms and Conditions

5.1 Acknowledgment

The Buyer acknowledges that they have reviewed and accepted the preliminary information on the product’s essential features, sale price, and payment and delivery conditions electronically.

5.2 Delivery

The product will be delivered to the specified address within the timeframe indicated, not exceeding 30 days from the order date.

5.3 Third-Party Delivery

Celestial Console is not responsible if a third party at the specified address refuses to accept the delivery.

5.4 Warranty

Celestial Console ensures the product meets the specified characteristics and provides warranty support during the stated period, including any accompanying warranties and user manuals.

5.5 Payment

The agreement is valid upon electronic confirmation of the delivery and full payment. Celestial Console is not obligated to deliver the product if payment is not received or is reversed.

5.6 Fraudulent Transactions

If the Buyer’s credit card is used fraudulently and the payment is not processed, the Buyer must notify Celestial Console within 3 days, and the shipping costs will be borne by the Buyer.

5.7 Unforeseen Delays

In case of unforeseen delays (e.g., service disruptions, adverse weather), the Buyer will be informed, and they may cancel the order, request a replacement, or delay delivery. Refunds for canceled orders will be processed within 14 days.

5.8 Faulty Products

Faulty or damaged products must be returned to Celestial Console within 7 days for repair or replacement, with shipping costs covered by Celestial Console. After 7 days, the Buyer must contact the service center directly.

5.9 Contract Activation

The contract becomes effective once electronically approved by the Buyer and payment is completed.

6. Right of Withdrawal

Due to the nature of digital products, returns are not accepted. The Buyer agrees to waive the right of withdrawal upon completing the purchase.

7. Jurisdiction

Disputes will be resolved by the Consumer Arbitration Committees and Consumer Courts at the Buyer’s or Seller’s location, within the limits set by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

8. Marketplace Terms

a. Payment and Delivery Guarantee

Celestial Console secures the payment until the product or service is delivered.

b.1 After purchase, Celestial Console is not liable for issues between the Buyer and Seller.
b.2 In disputes, Celestial Console may hold the payment in a secure account until resolved.
b.3 Payments are secured until delivery, which may take up to 48 hours post-completion.

c. Authorization

Sellers declare they are authorized to list and sell their products on

d. Seller Liability

Sellers are responsible for any harm caused by their products and must compensate the Buyer for any damages.

e. Direct Transactions

Celestial Console is not responsible for transactions completed outside its platform.

f. Non-Intermediation

Celestial Console does not mediate transactions on the Marketplace.